Research Initiatives

National Prisons Hepatitis Education Project
The broad goal of the National Prisons Hepatitis Education Project is to deliver education to resolve several key barriers to enhanced HCV testing and treatment in Australian prisons, including: the lack of awareness of HCV and its treatment with DAAs, notably minimal side effects, short duration and high cure rate, and the stigma associated with inmates coming forward to HCV testing and treatment.
The project aims to build on existing education initiatives in the prison sector to develop, implement, and evaluate standardized HCV education programs and resources for three key target audience groups within the custodial sector: healthcare providers, correctional officers, and prisoners.
Australian Hepatitis & risk survey in prisons (AusHep)
The goal of AusHep is to conduct an annual bio-behavioural survey to assess the prevalence and care cascade of HCV, HBV, and HIV in the Australian prison sector at jurisdiction levels, using an entirely point-of-care (PoC) testing strategy.
AusHep will replace the well-established National Prison Entrants' Bloodborne Virus Survey (NPEBBVS) as the key national prison surveillance program.